1. Why were nationalistic feelings running high during the 1936 Summer Olympics in berlin ?

рммрм░୍рм▓ିрмирм░େ 1936 рмЧ୍рм░ୀрм╖୍рмормХାрм│ୀрми рмЕрм▓ିрмо୍рмкିрмХ୍рм╕ рм╕рморнЯрм░େ рмЬାрмдୀрнЯрмдାрммାрмжୀ рмнାрммрмиା рмХାрм╣ିଁрмХି рмЕрмзିрмХ рмЪାрм▓ୁрмеିрм▓ା

A- During 1936 summer Olympics in berlin, Nationalistic feelings running high becuse Adolf Hitler The disseminator of Aryan superiority theory and he was the ruller of Germany. He declared pompously that his athelates would bag most of the prizes and medal's in the Olympics.

2. I wasn't too worried about all this’. What does "this" refer to - Hitler's beliefs or winning a gold medal?

рмоୁଁ рмПрм╕рммୁ рммିрм╖рнЯрм░େ рмЕрмзିрмХ рмЪିрми୍рмдିрмд рмирмеିрм▓ି, рмПрм╣ା рм╣ିрмЯрм▓рм░рмЩ୍рмХ рммିрм╢୍рн▒ାрм╕ рмХିрмо୍рммା рм╕୍рн▒рм░୍рмг୍рмг рмкрмжрмХ рмЬିрмдିрммା рммିрм╖рнЯрм░େ рмХ’рмг рмжрм░୍рм╢ାрмП?

A:- " This " refers to Hitler's beliefs and ego.

3. Why wasn't Owens worried?

рмУрмПрмирм╕୍ рмХାрм╣ିଁрмХି рмЪିрми୍рмдିрмд рмирмеିрм▓େ

A:- when Owens saw the German athelate luz long and got to knew about Hitler's way he was worried for some time. Just after he retrieved because he had trained, sweated and discipline himself for six years. He had already set world record 26 feet 8 1/4when he was practising in university. 

4. Why did everyone expect Owens to win the long jump easily?

рмХାрм╣ିଁрмХି рм╕рморм╕୍рмдେ рмЖрм╢ା рмХрм░ିрмеିрм▓େ рмпେ рмУрмПрми୍рм╕ рм▓рмЩ୍рмЧрм╕ рмаାрм░ୁ рм╕рм╣рмЬрм░େ рмЬିрмдିрммେ

A:- everyone expect Owens to win the long jump easily because He had already set world record 26 feet 8 1/4 inches when he was practising in university. 

5. What was the surprise that awaited Jesse Owens in Berlin?

рммрм░୍рм▓ିрмирм░େ рмЬେрм╕ି рмУрмнେрми୍рм╕рмЩ୍рмХୁ рмЕрмкେрмХ୍рм╖ା рмХрм░ିрмеିрммା surprise рмХ’рмг рмеିрм▓ା

A:- in 1936 Summer Olympic berlin, a surprise that awaited Jesse Owens. He saw a athelate named luz long as a long jump compiteater who was from German. 

6. What did he learn from people about Luz Long?

рм╕େ рм▓рмЬ рм▓рмЩ୍рмЧ рммିрм╖рнЯрм░େ рм▓ୋрмХрмЩ୍рмХрмаାрм░ୁ рмХ’рмг рм╢ିрмЦିрм▓େ

A:- he learnt from people,The athlete luz long was hiden player of Adolf Hitler. Hitler kept him under wraps, evidently hoping he would win the jump.

7. Do you think Nazis’ Aryan-superiority theory meant that Germans were superior to Negroes? How did Owens feel about it - angry or bothered?

рмЖрмкрмг рмнାрммୁрмеିрммେ рмиାрмЬିрм╕୍ рмЖрм░୍рмп୍рнЯрми୍ рм╢୍рм░େрм╖୍рмармдା рм╕ିрмж୍рмзାрми୍рмд рм░ рмЕрм░୍рме рм╣େрмЙрмЫି рмпେ рмЬрм░୍рмоାрмирмоାрмиେ рмиେрмЧ୍рм░ୋрмоାрмирмЩ୍рмХрмаାрм░ୁ рмЙрми୍рмирмд рмеିрм▓େ, рмУрмнେрмирм╕୍ рмПрм╣ା рмЙрмкрм░େ рмХ୍рм░ୋрмзିрмд рмХି рмм୍рнЯрмеିрмд рм╣େрм▓େ?

A:- yes, The Nazi's Aryan superiority theory meant that germans were superior to negroes. 

 8. What w Owens determined to beat Luz Long?

рмдାрм╣ା рмХрмг рмпାрм╣ା рмУрмнେрмирм╕୍ рм▓ୁрмЬ୍ рм▓рмЩ୍рмЧрмЩ୍рмХୁ рмкрм░ାрм╕୍рмд рмХрм░ିрммାрмХୁ рм╕୍рмеିрм░ рмХрм▓ା

A:- jesse owens didn't like Hitler's master race theory.He wanted real tallent to be honoured.So he wanted to defeat the luz long to shatter Hitler's Theory.


1. What does a coach say about an angry athlete?

(рмЬрмгେ рмХୋрмЪ୍ рмХ୍рм░ୋрмзିрмд рмЖрмерм▓େрмЯ୍ рммିрм╖рнЯрм░େ рмХ’рмг рмХୁрм╣рми୍рмдି |)

A:- A coach says that an angry player always makes mistakes so that they can't reach their goal.Because when they get angry, they lose focus.

2.What were the results of the first two qualifying jumps for Owens?

(рмУрмнେрмирм╕୍ рмкାрмЗଁ рмк୍рм░рмермо рмжୁрмЗрмЯି рмпୋрмЧ୍рнЯрмдା рмЬрмо୍рмкрм░ рмлрм│ାрмлрм│ рмХ’рмг рмеିрм▓ା |)

A:- He disqualified in the first two jumps and failed to reach his goal.

3.Why did Owens kick the pit?

(рмУрмнେрмирм╕୍ рмХାрм╣ିଁрмХି рмнୂрмоିрмХୁ рмкିрмЯିрм▓େ |)

A:- Owens failed to qualify for two qualifying opportunities because it frustrated him and He kicked the ground in angrily.

4.Who offered Owens a firm handshake? Was he friendly or hostile?

(рмХିрмП рмУрмнେрми୍рм╕рмЩ୍рмХୁ рмПрмХ рмжୃрмв଼ рм╣୍рнЯାрмг୍рмбрм╕େрмХ рмк୍рм░рмжାрми рмХрм▓ା? рмдାрмЩ୍рмХрм░ рмнାрммрмиା рммрми୍рмзୁрмд୍рн▒рмкୂрм░୍рмг୍рмг рмеିрм▓ା, рмиା рм╢рмд୍рм░ୁ рмеିрм▓ା ?)

A:- loz long offered owens a firm handshake with friendly attitude.

5.Why did Long speak to Owens during the trials? Did he mean to make friendship with Owens or to find out what was troubling him?

(рмкрм░ୀрмХ୍рм╖рмг рм╕рморнЯрм░େ рм▓рмЩ୍рмЧ рмХାрм╣ିଁрмХି рмУрмнେрми୍рм╕рмЩ୍рмХ рм╕рм╣ рмХрмеା рм╣ୋрмЗрмеିрм▓େ ? рм╕େ рмУрмнେрми୍рм╕рмЩ୍рмХ рм╕рм╣ рммрми୍рмзୁрмдା рм╕୍рмеାрмкрми рмХрм░ିрммାрмХୁ рмХିрмо୍рммା рмдାрмЩ୍рмХୁ рмЕрм╕ୁрммିрмзାрм░େ рмкрмХାрмЗрммାрмХୁ рмЪାрм╣ୁଁрмеିрм▓େ рмХି?)

A:- Loz long speak to owens during the trials because he wanted to make friendship with owens.

6."he really looked the part" - What does this mean? Does it mean Long was trying to play the part of an Aryan or he looked as if he belonged to a superior race?

('"he really looked the part"рмПрм╣ାрм░ рмЕрм░୍рме рмХ’рмг ? рмПрм╣ାрм░ рмЕрм░୍рме рмХ’рмг рм▓рмЩ୍рмЧ рмПрмХ Aryan рмнୂрмоିрмХା рмЧ୍рм░рм╣рмг рмХрм░ିрммାрмХୁ рмЪେрм╖୍рмЯା рмХрм░ୁрмеିрм▓ା рмХିрмо୍рммା рм╕େ рмПрмХ рмЙрми୍рмирмд рмЬାрмдିрм░ рммୋрм▓ି рмжେрмЦେрмЗрммାрмХୁ рмпାрмЙрмеିрм▓ା |)

A:- " He really looked the part". It means, lodge seemed to belong to superior race for his physical appearance.

7.How did Luz Log help Jesse Owens in qualifying for the final jumps?

(рмЕрми୍рмдିрмо рмЬрмо୍рмк рмкାрмЗଁ рмпୋрмЧ୍рнЯрмдା рмЕрм░୍рмЬрми рмХрм░ିрммାрм░େ рм▓ୁрмЬ୍ рм▓рмЧ୍ рмЬେрм╕ି рмУрмнେрми୍рм╕рмЩ୍рмХୁ рмХିрмкрм░ି рм╕ାрм╣ାрмп୍рнЯ рмХрм▓ା |)

A:- Loz long advised owens to draw a line mark before the take off board and jump.As a result, Jesse could not be discqualified.

8. " Tomorrow is what counts.” - What did Long mean by this? Does he mean that Owens would win the next day or their performance the next day would matter much?

("Tomorrow is what counts"-рм▓рмЩ୍рмЧ୍ рмЩ୍рмХрм░ рмХрм╣ିрммା рмПрм╣ାрм░ рмЕрм░୍рме рмХрмг?рм╕େ рмХ’рмг рмХрм╣ୁрмЫрми୍рмдି рмпେ рмУрмнେрмирм╕୍ рмкрм░рмжିрми рмЬିрмдିрммେ рмХିрмо୍рммା рмкрм░рмжିрми рм╕େрмоାрмирмЩ୍рмХрм░ рмк୍рм░рмжрм░୍рм╢рми рммрм╣ୁрмд рмЧୁрм░ୁрмд୍рн▒рмкୂрм░୍рмг୍рмг рм╣େрмм |)

A:- " Tomorrow is what counts" - It means That days performance is for qualifying nature. Tomorrow 's game will be final and will decide the luck.

9.Did Owens qualify for the final jump? How did he do that?

(рмУрмнେрмирм╕୍ рмЕрми୍рмдିрмо рмЬрмо୍рмк рмкାрмЗଁ рмпୋрмЧ୍рнЯрмдା рмЕрм░୍рмЬрми рмХрм░ିрмеିрм▓େ рмХି? рм╕େ рмдାрм╣ା рмХିрмкрм░ି рмХрм▓େ |)

A:- Yes, owens qualified for the final jump. He marked a line before the board and jumped from the line. That was miracle, owens qualified with almost a foot to spare.


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